5 Ways to Improve On Your Negotiation Skills
Don’t you just dislike it when you bargain over something and leave feeling like you could have done better or saved more? If you do, Jumia Travel shares 5 tips that can help you improve on your negotiation skills. Get Information Get information about what you want to negotiate on. Don’t go into a negotiation without a clue about what to expect in terms of numbers, price or quantity. Ask questions, check websites, do research, do what you need to do to get the information you need. This helps you determine your ‘target price’ (the price, number or quantity you are hoping to get out of the negotiation) and walk-away terms before you attempt a negotiation; and thus elevates your level - even if only slightly - on the ‘negotiation field’. Know Your Priorities This is another factor that influences the determination of your ‘target price’ and walk-away terms. You need to know your priorities in negotiations - determine what is most important and what you are either willing to compromis...